and I think it’s safe to say that at this point, no one really knows when the iPhone 5 is going to launch.
Will it be June? Will it be September? Anyone’s guess is as good as mine, but be rest assured that Apple has a plan in place at this point in the game
In fact, one analyst quoted in today’s Wall Street Journal tidbit seemed to reiterate the fact that no one really knows. Due to a variety of factors, including the recent launch of the Verizon iPhone 4, Apple is holding its cards tightly this go round…
Regarding the iPhone, we are increasingly becoming suspicious around continued reports of a delayed iPhone 5 launch into September/October versus the typical June/July time frame.Those are the words from Ticonderoga Securities analyst Brian White, who’s been keeping a close eye on the manner in which the iPhone 5 news is playing out thus far.
He goes on to say that:
Although we do not have a smoking gun that definitively rules out a delayed autumn unveiling or one that supports a launch this summer, there is a pattern of activity in motion within the supply chain that makes us question a delayed launch. Essentially, we believe Apple is keeping its iPhone 5 cards extra close to the vest on this launch to avoid a falloff in iPhone 4 demand ahead of a refresh, especially given the February launch of the CDMA iPhone 4 with Verizon.Okay, so it probably doesn’t take an analyst to analyze the obvious. Apple doesn’t want to cannibalize its Verizon iPhone 4 sales with a new version of its smartphone; makes sense. The iPhone 4 is still selling particularly well, even almost a year after its initial unveiling.
The question remains, however, if Apple decided to wait until the fall — a time normally dedicated to its iPod touch lineup — what will be the stopgap for the summer time?
Well, there is a product that Apple was supposed to launch last year that has still yet to see the light of day. I have a self-imposed ban on mentioning this device simply because I’m tired of getting my hopes up only to be let down, but you all know what I’m referring to.
What do you think? Release the device that shall remain nameless in June, and the iPhone 5 in September? I’d be fine with that.
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