(RedSn0w 0.9.6 For Mac & Win / PwnageTool 4.3 for Mac/ Sn0wbreeze 2.5 for Windows) for all iOS device (iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPodTouch 4G, iPodTouc 3G & Apple TV 2G) running iOS 4.3.1, except iPad 2. We all know that @comex iPad 2′s Untethered Exploit was patched by Apple in iOS 4.3.1 and we have heard from @MuscleNerd that @comex has been looking into a legal method to bring Untethered exploit back to iPad 2 on iOS 4.3.1.
In our previous post we have informed that the Chronic Dev Team is also working on jailbreaking iPad 2. Just a little while ago, @p0sixninja of the Chronic Dev Team has updated his progress on iPad 2 Jailbreak.

@p0sixininja – A lot of progress has been made in the past few days, but we’re still working on dumping iPad2 BootROM.Added to this, @p0sixninja has confirmed that his iPad 2 running iOS 4.3.1 is already Jailbroken and all this progress wouldn’t be possible without @comex. This means, @comex code (may be an exploit) is being used by @p0sixininja of Chronic Dev Team.
@p0sixininja – No ETA. Timelines are unpredictable when your working with new and unknown hardware
@p0sixininja -my iPad is already jailbroken as well. All my progress wouldnt be possible without @comexSo, as of now, we still don’t have an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival). But, all we can hope is – The Chronic Dev Team to release the iPad 2 Jailbreak before Apple released iOS 4.3.2. If this exploit is a BootRom exploit then we dont have to worry much. Because, it can’t be patched by Apple with software update and we can expect a Jailbreak tool to be released sooner or later. Stay tuned..
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