Lee uses Craigslist to advertise his services, which include jailbreaking, unlocking, and even customize your iDevice for various prices depending on what you want.

According to The Washington interview with Lee he started off with a mere 5 to 10 customers a week – most of them were friends. Now he pulls in between 30 and 40 – performing relatively simple hacks that many people don’t like to attempt themselves. A recent customer from the Mongolian embassy wanted his device unlocked so that he could use it in Mongolia when he moves.
Lee’s interview with The Washington Post is rather short, and he has since declined to provide further comment, removing his advert and contact details from Craigslist.
Though jailbreaking was ruled legal last year by the Library of Congress, many still fear repercussions from Apple. I think that the Dev-Team behind PwnageTool, RedSn0w will not be happy by new hackers cause they will provide anther jailbreak & unlock tools So the competition will be very stronger than before
Lee isn’t the only person to make money from this service, however. Kyle Matthews from ModMyI said in the report:
The industry just keeps increasing; there are even repair stores that will jailbreak for you.
What do you think? Should Apple or the Dev Team have a say in this matter?
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