If there are just 2 or 3 apps then it isn’t that bad, but 5 or more can get pretty tedious.
That’s because to delete a folder, you must first drag every application from the folder back to the home screen. After the last app is removed, the folder deletes itself. A new utility is coming to Cydia though, that could change all of that…
From the creator of SlideAway, comes UnFolder. The yet to be released, jailbreak tweak will allow you to finally remove folders with a single tap, instead of the aforementioned cumbersome method.
With UnFolder, simply hold down on an app icon to enter “shake mode,” and the tweak spawns an ‘x’ over your folder icons. Are you more of a visual learner? ModMyi posted a demo video of UnFolder in action:
Though the utility is not available yet, the developer Filippo Bigarella promises it will be free and open source. If you’re dying to check out UnFolder before its official release, add http://filippobiga.me/repo/ to your Cydia sources. Once it’s installed, do a search for it.
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