Steps to Install Game Center on iPhone 3G running iOS 4.1:
Step 1: You must have a jailbroken iPhone 3G. Follow our guide posted here to jailbreak iPhone 3G on iOS 4.1 with Redsn0w 0.9.6b1.
Step 2: Download and Extract GameCenter app and save it on your desktop (Mirror1 - Mirror2)
Step 3: Make sure you have Open SHSH on your device:
- Open Cydia. Touch on “Search” tab and then search for “OpenSSH”
- Install OpenSHSH and give your iPhone a reboot
Step 5: Download and install Cyberduck for Mac or WinSCP for Windows, and enter the following details to log in to your iPhone:
- Server: The IP address of your iPhone. Settings –> WiFi –> “Your Network Name”
- Username: root
- Password: alpine
- Protocol: SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)
- Hostname: The IP address of your iPhone. Setting –> WiFi –> “Your Network Name”
- User name: root
- Password: alpine
- Protocol: SCP
Step 7: Now right click on GameCenter.app folder and hit Info then set the permission to 755.
Step 8: Navigate to /system/libary/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/ directory and take a backup of N82AP.plist file (just save a copy on your desktop)
Step 9: Choose on of the following functions (through folders) you want to activate. It's recommended to choose Game Center only:
- Folder GameCenter – Only activates Game Center
- Folder Multitasking e GameCenter – Activates Game Ceter with Multitasking
- Folder Sfondi e GameCenter – Activates Background with GameCenter
- Folder sfondi, Multitasking e GameCenter – This option Enables Multitasking, Background, GameCenter.
Step 11: Navigate to System/Libary/LaunchDeamons/ directory then drag & drop com.apple.gamed.plist into the directory
Step 12: Navigate to usr/libexec/ directory then drag & drop gamed file into the directory and set the permission to 755 as shown in the screenshot:
Step 13: Finally, you have to reboot your device.
Congratulations, you have successfully installed and enabled Game Center on iPhone 3G, iOS 4.1. We would like to hear any questions by asking in the comment section below.
how do we get the icon to be normal, right now its white. it works though