While iDB reported on a rumor regarding an early iPhone 5 release yesterday, I feel a further-ado to its idiocy is warranted. So many questions come to head at the very sound of this. To start, we look no further than eligibility. If this were to come out under AT&T, who could buy it? Most everyone who wanted an iPhone 4, either bought or ordered one, which reset their upgrade date. I know I don’t speak alone when I say I’d be royally ticked off if a newly designed iPhone was released, and I wasn’t eligible for subsidized pricing.
The rumor in question states that similar features would be included, however the antenna would be placed differently, and a 64GB model would be offered. Say What? Not only would the “problem that isn’t a problem” be fixed, but just to add insult to injury, the capacity would be doubled? This would completely negate everything Apple said and “did”, concerning the antenna. If you thought the original issue was a PR director’s bad dream, this fiasco would be a nightmare
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